Quick Tips To Know About Yoga Of Widow With Help Of Astrology
Marriage is one of most beautiful relation, which involves two individuals who are totally different to each other but decides on to spend their life together and create a family of their own. This beautiful relation has always haunted by uncertainty of widowship. Widow is the terrible word which is strong enough to demolish the happiness of married life.
When a girl marries and go to their husbands house they look forward for blissful life ahead which certainly bless them with happiness. The widow ship is the point where a girl lost all her happiness. As we ll know this is end of happy marriage life quotient in her life, it is said that without husband girl's life become incomplete and lead unhappy life.
Why you don’t want to get marry ?
So scared of their daughter's future, the parents look forward for solution beforehand and astrology helps them. Kundli milan is considered in first place because it provides certain level of security that future alliance will be successful and their daughter will lead happy life.
In astrology there is way to depict the future issue from the kundi of the girl. In simple words it is indicated that 7th house is given to husband ( house of marriage ) and 8th house represent the age of the husband ( longevity) which indicates how long the husband will survive.
Astrology simply helps you by various planetary significance that in which relationship you are moving is right for you or not. In astrology 7th and 8th house in kundli is the major motivation to find out the happiness & sadness, success & dropdown, in the life of the couple.
kundali matching by date of birth
Major instance for the yoga of widow ship:
- It is said that if birth lagna ( internal trait, character, body structure and many more), moon lagna & shukra lagna is placed in 7th as well as 8th house and affected by the malefic planets then chances of getting widow is high.
- It is said in astrology that if yoga of widowship is present in the birth charts of girl or boy then they should not get married or if still want to get married then they should look forward to astrologer and ask when this yoga is ending.
Astrology is one way which holds the various remedies and formulas which can help to nullify various side effects present in the charts and help one to lead a happy life. So , some of the formulas which are originated by astrology which help to nullify the widowship :
- The combination of the 8th house which has already defined as the longevity or age of husband is at its best place then it will get nullify by itself.
- As it said that diamond cuts diamond, same case happen in astrology if the both girl and boy have same inauspicious yoga and it is getting minus by each other then the effect of widowship is nullified from girls chart.
- 7th house is for the marriage, and if saturn is located there and mars is situated in 8th house or mars and saturn is present in 4th house or in one more case saturn is in lagna and mars in 2nd house then flaw will be equalised or nullified.
- One way is that one Kundli has mangal Dosha and other kundli have saturn or rahu at same place which in some way constitute mangal dosha then the side effect will end by its own.
As the formulas tell that despite having bad yogas it still can end to positive results but this is not same in every case.
Some cases still witness the widowhood as the planets positions are in that position.
- Combination of 7th house and saturn and mars, rahu and moon which are present in 8th house are shown then widow yoga is formed.
- The presence of malefic planets in lagna and 7th house and no effect of positive planet then the girl will get widow in seven years of marriage .
- As the planets rahu, saturn, and mars is present in 7th and 8th house then there are signs of being widow of the girl.
- In some cases when there is changes in 7th and 8th house and there is combination of malefic planets or are seen then it is sure that the girl will get widow.
- As we all know that 7th house is of marriage, so if its lord is tucked between the two malefic planet then it creates the situation of widowhood in the life of girl.
- 7th house has mercury and saturn then the girl gets widow and is involved in unethical relations.
- Especially in girls charts if 7th and 8th house both are occupied by the malefic planets then, she may be cause of death of her husband.
- When Mars is strength full and is seeing the mars then the woman's husband will die in old age.
- When sun, Mars, and rahu are present in lagna then the girl will be widow and characterless.
- When evil planets is occupied by the 8th house it is expected that she will become widow.
- Whether there is combination of sun and mars in lagna or sun in lagna and in 7th house there is mars then girl will be widow.
- It is said that if mercury in the sabbath is present in evil planets is there in 8th house and bad planets are seen then the girl is said to be involved in husbands murder.
- Asthmesh is present in 7th house and the sabbath in evil planet or seeing it then the girl will get widow immediately after getting married.
We have gone through the points which easily helps to know that in which position planet will have the yoga of widowhood in girls life. There can be remedies which are needed to performed which may come as solution to resolve this.
- If in the girl's kundli their is no answer to widowhood and yogic planets are powerful then it is advised that girl should be married off with lord vishnu or earthen pot in full fledged marriage ceremony and girl should keep the savitri fast.
On daily basis they should pray early morning with mantra:
“ ॐ ॐ हिन् ॐ क्रीं ॐ स्वाहाI”
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